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The Kingdom of Botania at the Beginning of the Second War of the Power, 2436 a.a.H.

The Kingdom of Botania was a monarchy on the southwest of Tardos, north to the peninsula of Gorbegea and the predecessor of modern Juanpableiro. It was in existence from the 2338 a.a.H until the 2759 a.a.H.

The nucleous of the Botanian state was the County of Botania -Condado de Botania- established in the XVIIIth century, by a vassal of the King of Tardos. The county became part of the Kingdom of Sargos in 2006, and the counts of Botania established themselves as rulers of an independent kingdom in the 2338 a.a.H following the Battle of Sao Mamada. The Kingdom was ruled by the Vasquesine dynasty until the crisis of 2440-2442, in which after the king died in the battlefields of Sargos during the Second War of the Power, there was a succession dispute, after which the monarchy passed to the House of Alfonso.

Botania will become part of the Holy Sargonic Empire at the 2501 a.a.H, and Botania will be in a personal union with Sargos from 2546 to the 2585 a.a.H under Camilo VII.

After Camilo VII died, Camilo VIII The Apostate will become the new Emperor at the 2585 a.a.H. He will try to reform the Sargonic Christian church at the 2586, causing irreconcilable divisions amongst the church. Due to the critics, Camilo VIII The Apostate will kill the head of the Church, the Archbishop of Karentia and the main members of the Church, beginning the crisis. At the 2587 a.a.H the Bishop of Breims is elected as the Archbishop of Karentia, meanwhile Camilo VIII choose an anti-archbishop. Camilo VIII is excommunated, branded as heretic and an apostate, which will be the beginning of the Sargonic religious wars and Carlos Alfonso IV of Botania is crowned as emperor by the Pope, which will become known as the War of the Three Emperors, conflict within the Sargonic religious wars as the Apostate, Sergei II and Carlos Alfonso fought for the throne. 

The empire crumbled apart, and while Carlos Alfonso IV was emperor in the south and Ushaenor, the Sukkeses will defeat the forces of The Apostate in northern Sargos, conquering the north of the Holy Sargonic Empire at the 2601, taking later Sargos from the Blazakhovian at the 2607, where they will found their own empire. The Sukkeses will then defeat the Blazakhovian armies in the battle of Barlans river two years later (2609), forcing the Blazkahovian to abandon their possessions to the north of the Barlans river.

The Empire was only a pale shadow of it former self, when in Ne'Sargos will begin at the 2617 a.a.H the Rebellion of the Jesués against the Imperial rule of Carlos Alfonso IV, who proclaimed themselves emperors of Ne'Sargos, crowning as Emperor Camilo Jesué I. In the next 3 years, after a series of battles, the Jesués will expel the imperial forces of Carlos Alfonso IV from Ushaenor at the 2619, and the forces of the Sukkeses and the Apostate at the 2620 in the battle of Whidean Garden, taking control of all the north of Ushaenor.

As the Ne'Sargonic landed in Aels at the 2623, defeating the Botanian and Sukkes forces that opposed them, and by the 2629, after the end of the War of Sargos, The Holy Sargonic Empire will be under the banner of a single emperor, Camilo Jesué, while Botania and Gorbegea abandoned the war.

After the Botanian Restoration War, the kingdom passed to the House of Saelzer. From this time, the influence of Botania declined, only having a secondary role during the Third War of the Power.

After The Cataclysm, Botania was badly hit, andwill finally collapse against the forces of the Sultan of Anglasecuarnia at the 2759 a.a.H, only remaining independent the Botanian territories that were cut from mainland in the cataclysm, becoming known as the Kingdom of Juanpableiro.


Kingdom of Botania[]

The capital of the newfounded Kingdom of Botania will be Alcazer, in the mouth of the Alho river. An old dumian foundation that had fell to ruins, the counts had rebuilt it in account of it's strategic disposition and good port, controlling the fluvial trade of the Alho and providing a good, secure port to the Alan sea.

The lands of Botania, rich in hills and forests, weren't very good for agriculture -aside of some fertile valleys-, and so the Botanians had to look towards the ocean for their economic future: they will become fishers, shipbuilders and merchants, serving as a halfway point between the Five Kingdoms of the Northwest and Dol-Sorne.

During the Holy Wars of Eden, after the King Carlos Alfonso II died at the 2469 a.a.H in the battle of Jashamesh. His succesor, king Alfonso I, supported by the bishop of Botania, edicted -in what it was called an act of piety- the expulsion of all the non-christians of the cities of Botania, as it was justified that the defeat against the infidels for the Holy Cities of Humanity was a divine punishment, as they lived in their own cities along infidels, pagans and heretics. This lead to the quick conversion to christianity -often superficial, and still in private keeping their religions- of non-christian humans and non-humans.

The Botanian Emperor[]

Restauration and Third War of the Power[]

Early Modern Botania[]
