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Chadie Maltree at a Jabharil Festival

Chad'wii Maltree "Chadie" (Animadelia 2389 a.a.H. - ?)

Chadie Maltree is a young drow, a member of a small group of drow captives sometimes derisively referred to as the Jabharil Trio. She is a young woman that is only a few years beyond the age of adulthood. Despite this, she is tall and strong, attractive, well built and busty; a woman of considerable determination and personality. These qualities helped lead her into some bad choices that left her near despair. She was 'forced' to join the Fanatics of Jabharil of the Cult of the Flower due to need, not faith, and has latched onto it as her means to escape the increasingly hard life she has found in Negeémiliel, wanting to go home wiser than she left. She's a risk taker by nature, but not so much anymore.

Personal Attributes[]

  • A skilled hunter
  • Tall and Strong
  • Proficient with a number of weapons, especially a knife and crossbow
  • Has mastered basic hand to hand fighting skills
  • Has basic lock picking and burglary skills
  • Likes to wear fashionable outfits, a bit of a street dandy
  • Can be a leader, has some charisma
  • Has become more tentative and introspective
  • As typical for drow, has white hair and red eyes. Unknown if her skin has a slight blue cast like her cousin, Maylara Maltree



Chad'wii Maltree was born in Animadelia, a small drow village just beneath a rock face of a low mountain within the South Nohalion Mountains. The village had the use of a small surface valley and the wooded hills surrounding the entry point leading to the village. Animadelia is part of the Negeemiliel empire of cities, towns and villages of Kazrrad, the underworld, but is far removed from the main tunnel highway networks connecting the empire. The connection to the surface of Nohalion is potentially valuable, but its current isolation limits its usefulness.

Nonetheless, the outside was very useful to the support of the village. Much more food comes from the outside surface than the cultured fungi, algae and meat that is usually found within Kazrrad. Drow specializing in gardening and hunting make use of the outside. The Maltree are a clan that specialized in hunting and ranging the surface for food and as guards patrolling the perimeters of the territory of the village.

Maltree Clan[]


The Maltree clan of Animadelia are immigrants of Dungeandar drow from the northwest of Aels. After providing service as scouts and rangers during the First War of the Power, the small family of sisters moved along with Negeémiliel based mercenaries and acolytes down to southern Aels where they came to live in Animadelia, making a living as hunters and rangers.


Chadie was among the second generation born to the Maltree's following the immigration of the Maltree sisters to the village. Her mother was Auril Maltree, the first born Maltree native to Animadelia, a renowned hunter and ranger of the community. Chad'wii grew up disliking comparisons to her mother, especially disliking any unfavorable comparisons. Chad'wii disliked her second syllable to her name as "wii" implies "Mother's daughter", or "like mother". She became well regarded as a "cool girl" among the youths of the village but a young and arrogant troublemaker amongst the elders.



Leaving Home[]

Chadie also tired of the life around Animadelia, feeling that there would be better opportunities for wealth and excitement, indeed, the outpost had few opportunities to go beyond a basic role. She was one of the best hunters in Animadelia, and felt that she was one of the better fighters. She left Animadelia with a rare caravan during the last Nortunk conflict as an extra guard and loader, not intending to return. After seeing much of Kazrrad's towns on the caravan circuit, she came to the capital of Negeémiliel intending to 'make it big'.

A Light Blue Ribbon[]

Finding that she was not nearly as skilled at hand to hand and melee fighting as she thought, Chadie had to resort to do manual work rather than being the mercenary she thought that she could be. She found some success for a time by signing on with the Light Blue Ribbons, not realizing that they were a poorly regarded Mercenary house. Chadie made some money as a guard for them, and regained her "cool girl" status in the city, as she became fashionable and a spender as she tried to reinvent herself. She acquired a hot man during this time "worthy of her".

A Series of Reversals[]

Thinking that she had much improved her abilities, and growing dissatisfied with the poor pay and unglamourous guard jobs with the Light Blue Ribbons, Chadie quit, and tried to join the Black Widows (mercenary house), she was again found wanting and left humiliated. She found that her several months of experience with the Light Blue Ribbons failed to impress any other mercenary house. Then, her mate stole her savings and abandoned her! Unable to return to the Light Blue Ribbons, Chadie was then forced to return to manual work such as construction and digging tunnels and mines, not having much success in these either, and became unemployed with growing debts. Chadie resolved to leave the city, but caravans might take poorly trained fighters in the outlands, but not in capital, Chadie found to her regret.

The Cult of the Flower[]

Becoming a Thief and Fanatic[]

Finally, Chadie consolidated her debts with a loan from the Cult of the Flower. She also started burglary of houses and buildings to pay her way, and to fund the Cult of the Flower. Being a young and strong woman of--some--capabilities, she was "invited" to join the Fanatics of Jabharil, the fanatics being a means of paying her debt and using her strength and skills to help fund the Cult of the Flower by crime. Also by committing crimes of intimidation against commoners who worshipped Negeé and other gods, and also to force Jabharil worshippers to give and do more.

Chadie hated to comply with this demand, knowing that being caught in a crime as a fanatic by the Negeémiliel Acolytes would lead to dire consequences and suspecting that the city was veering towards an urban war between the acolyte elites and the Jabharil church. But she needed to pay her debt and make good money to leave the city, and she well knew that being a thief or itinerant laborer were no solutions.

Chadie therefore was inducted into the secret underside of the Jabharil Church, she met Musshil Kesalf and another strong and busty woman named "Neroe Idrizzi", secretly Maylara Maltree, Chadie's own long lost cousin! The three women would become friendly, particularly Chadie and "Neroe", as they had much in common, and Maylara was curious about this girl who shared her family name. It is speculated that Chadie and "Neroe" acted in little missions of disruption and perhaps more theft for the cult. It is known that Chadie, Musshy and "Neroe" went on an important mission to kidnap an initiate for the cult.

Becoming a Sentry[]

Once again, Chadie acted impulsively and confidently, but failed as she was momentarily felled by the young girl, despite Chadie's size, strength and supposed fighting skill. In fairness, "Neroe" did no better, despite the fact that this was all a setup, and a means of inserting "Neroe", really Maylara Maltree, an agent of Leg of the Spider general Dahl'Arak higher into the Cult of the Flower. It was little Musshy that (at least seemingly) kept the young initiated, named Carlae Lo'Kee, from escaping. After capturing the girl, the three advanced into the visible part of the church as Sentries of Jabharil, and effectively bonded due to the shared experience.

During a Jabharil festival, it was discovered that girls Initiated to Negeé (the matron goddess of the city) that the Cult of the Flower had captured, had escaped. This threw the church into chaos, but a disturbance that was covered by the festival. Musshil Kesalf was on duty with her assigned partner Numeda Tri'Se, when her friend Chadie Maltree requested her help to follow and, if necessary, stage an "intervention" on "Neroe Idrizzi", who had said words that led Chadie to believe that Neroe was deserting the cult.

Chadie's discontent with the Cult[]

Chadie herself hated being part of the Cult of the Flower because she was often called upon to perform crimes. Indeed, the collection of captured girls initiated to Negeé being held in a secret dungeon across the street from the Temple of the Flower worried Chadie greatly. She also felt sorry for the kidnapped girls, particularly the ones who suffered under these cultists of love, and some of the girls would be sold to illegal slavery or ritually abused in the course of the Jabharil festival. Chadie would have liked to have left the city, but had become trapped by circumstances, and couldn't leave until she had at least the money to pay off her debt and satisfy any requirements to the Jabharil Church.

Even then, aside from her debt, she might not have been able to leave, having become not just a 'fanatic' to the cult, but a Sentry, a position of recognized importance within the cult.

Chadie's Capture[]

Concern for "Neroe"[]

Perhaps Chadie was 'projecting' her problems onto "Neroe", but "Neroe's" cover story was that she was an escaped slave. Chadie feared what would happen to "Neroe" if her friend "Neroe" ran from the cult before she had somewhere to go, as it seemed that "Neroe" was going to just impulsively quit and desert. The cult would punish her severely for that sort of thing. So that was why Chadie was trying to get help from Musshy, and try to stop "Neroe" from making a bad mistake. Making mistakes was something that Chadie was feeling like she had a growing experience with.

Tailing "Neroe"[]

Musshy had her doubts, but was willing to go with Chadie to help their mutual friend. So, along with Numeda Tri'Se, they successfully located Neroe and followed her, noting that she was walking with several children. Due to the Jabharil flower designs on the girls' clothing, the three failed to connect these children with the escaped initiates, and instead, interpreted these girls as being children of the Jabharil worshippers at the festival, being shepherded home by Neroe who had gone off duty. But Chadie still wanted to question Neroe about her intentions, and so they continued to follow her into the "Hanging Spires" neighborhood.

The Hanging Spires is so named as it consists of wealthy homes, with facades and alcoves carved out in tunnels above the roof of the main Negeemiliel cavern. Many of these mansions have chambers and halls carved out into the stalactites that hover over the city and the deep vertical cavern called the Abyss of Doom near the center of the city. This is a neighborhood that few members of the Jabharil Church would be expected, so Chadie, Musshy and Numeda decided to try and enter a house to help them speak to Neroe.

Captured by Laeh'le Dahl'Arak[]

Unfortunately, they too, in turn, had been observed and followed by the Negeé Priestess Laeh'le Dahl'Arak, the youngest daughter of the powerful 'Leg of the Spider' general Dahl'Arak. Priestess Laeh'le had overheard some of their conversation and observed their break-in to a house. She attempted to arrest the three, and then successfully defeated all three with her defensive martial arts, and a magic stun spell.

Interrogation and Preliminary Enslavement[]

Learning that "Neroe" was a spy[]

The "Jabharil Trio" were imprisoned and learned that "Neroe Idrizzi" was an agent for the Acolytes' Senatorial party working for Laeh'le's superior officer, Captain Xuunera Lo'Kee. The three were subjected to "aggressive interrogation", and had learned that the girl that they had captured was the eldest daughter of Captain Lo'Kee, and that their mission had been a setup by the acolytes to insert "Neroe" the acolyte agent into the Cult of the Flower. Lo'Kee punished the Jabharil Trio by passing a preliminary sentence of enslavement on the three for being criminal members of the Cult of the Flower, and giving them to Priestess Laeh'le as a gift.

Chadie as a Gift[]

This gift was a commemorative gift meant to prove to Laeh'le's very powerful mother that her daughter did indeed have skill in combat. Captain Lo'Kee had long wished to use the success of Laeh'le to appear to be a capable mentor and officer for the young Dahl'Arak, but Laeh'le had long failed her in this endeavor. Lo'Kee had hoped that this unexpected success in the midst of preventing a coup d'état by the rival acolyte Populist Party of the city-state would make a welcome news for General Dahl'Arak.

To ensure that the Cult of the Flower was not aware of Lo'Kee's mission and "Neroe's" infiltration, Lo'Kee had tortured the three captured cultists along with much "truth serum" and other drugs along with the expertise of one Bruh'la Sard, an expert slave trainer. The drugs and trainer obtained through Laeh'le Dahl'Arak from House Dahl'Arak. The three girls were handed over to Bruh'la Sard who trained them as slaves, hoping to get them trained to the high standards of House Dahl'Arak.

Chadie the Slave[]

Training in the Captain's House[]

The Jabharil Trio, including Chadie, considered Dahl'Arak slaves, spent some months of training in the Captain's house of Captain Xuunera Lo'Kee. After their interrogation, their training with Bruhla Sard was intensive and lasted for about a month. Afterwards, they served and continued to train in the house of Lo'Kee, serving the Acolytes that were gathering there and acting under the discipline of the head slave of the mansion. Life couldn't have been too easy, as they were former cultists who were now serving and living in close quarters with their erstwhile enemies, the acolyte elites of the city. Chadie would be humiliated by often being called the descriptive name of "Large" while she was there, a reference to her breasts.

Serving Carlae Lo'Kee[]

They often served under Initiate Carlae Lo'Kee as their acting mistress, as well as Priestess Laeh'le Dahl'Arak, their true mistress. Ironically, Carlae is the girl that Musshy and Chadie had kidnapped. Carlae would sometimes be tough on them, but would also be a welcome refuge from some of the harshness of living in a house filled with bored acolytes. Chadie would often serve Carlae as a bath attendant and keeping her bathroom clean.

Civil War[]

Sometime before the enactment of the Senatorial Populist coup d'état, (see Dahl'Arak Coup), Chadie and her friends were moved to the Dahl'Arak home in Negeémiliel, and returned to the expert training of Bruhla Sard. Possibly, this move was to help keep them from causing any potential trouble, or most likely to reduce the strain on the household from maintaining too many persons inside. It was there that they witnessed the days of violence of the Negeémi Civil War from the relative safety of the walls of the Dahl'Arak mansion. Numeda wanted to escape, but it is believed that Chadie and Musshy overruled her as there was no safety outside.

Current Status[]

Later, some months after the civil war was resolved in the favor of the Senatorial faction, Chadie and Musshil Kesalf were purchased by trade of the trained slave Larylene by Maylara Maltree and has become the property of Maylara's new alter ego of Hasstin Char'Isstra. Presumably Chadie has been condemned to slavery by a tribunal. Chadie Maltree is now 'free' to travel with her cousin back to her home in Animadelia, and dresses and acts as a free person, but carries the legal status of a slave of House Char'Isstra.

Upon becoming nominally free, she punched Maylara for being the supposed instrument of her enslavement.
