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High elf student of dahl haran by shabazik-d77tex3

A young High Elf apprentice magician from the City of the Wizards, Dahl'Haran, and her Pixie creation

H I G H E L F Altus elvii

Race: High Elf

Class: Rossnes Light Elf

Species: Elf

Other names: Light Elves, Eladrin, Tall Elves, Superior Elves, Proud elves, Arrogant elves, super-elves, assholes

Allegiance: Empire of Whide Axis

High Elf Description[]

The High Elves are a race of Rossnes light elves who lived in Ushaenor, Zarhuy, Aels and Hieyoks. Frequently tall and large relative to other elf types, hence the name. Even so, some are taller than others, many being not much taller than other elves of other types. Often very light skinned with light hair, but skin and hair color could be quite variable.

They were divided in two main ethnic groups in the continent of Ushaenor: the Golden High Elves, from the north, who often had light hair, and the Silver High Elves of the South, who often had darker hair.

There are other ethnic groups as well in southern Ushaenor, such as the M'Adhai found in the rainforests near the narrowing of the continent near the central low-lands of Ushaenor.



The origin of the High elves is in the prehistoric migrations from Rossnes tribes from the original elven homelands in Polforia -Aels- to Ushaenor: Once there, the Rossnes who settled on the continent of Ushaenor began to be called light or high elves, in comparison to the Hakes dark elves.

Vassals to the Hake Empire[]

When the rossnes arrived and settled in Ushaenor, most of the lands were already under dominion of the Hake Empire, but the civilized dark elves, worried about the arrival of hordes of barbarians, they gave the Rossnes Elves lands in North Ushaenor, mostly unpopulated, making the rossnes elves their vassals and mercenaries.

Elf wars[]

However, as the Hake empire's power began to decay, and the "High elves" began to rise -they began calling themselves in such a way because of a physical trait, being that they were much taller than the Hakes and other elves- and finally, after centuries of problems, what will become known collectively as the "Elf wars, between the light and Dark elves.

Empire of Whide Axis[]

In the end, the High Elves emerged weakened, but victorious. After a short of struggle of power between the High Elf Kingdoms, the Empire of Whide Axis surged from the crisis as a federation with only a nominal authority -the emperor- of high elf states.

The High Elves, having achieved the hegemony during the middle and late ages of elf-kind, began then an imperialist age of expansion to show that they were still in their golden age, which meant the settlement of high elf colonies and kingdoms on the continents of Zarhuy, Aels and Hieyoks, following what they thought was their divine destiny to rule the world, bringing civilization to the barbarian (other elves) and rule to the monsters (non-elves).

However, the continuous wars had weakened their forces, and after the Apparition of Humanity and the Age of Invasions, the High elf colonies in Zarhuy, Hieyoks and Aels were lost, and aside from some remnants, they were cornered in their homelands in Ushaenor.

Colonization as a Strategy for Winning[]

The Hake empire fought hard against the High elves but failed to defeat them and had exhausted themselves by 750 b.a.H. After fighting more defensively most of this time, the High elves were able to start taking the initiative in the long running series of wars.

Their colonization efforts were like a "second" arm at work in the long running conflict. After being confined to northern Ushaenor for so long, the High elves had prepared to flank the Hake empire by colonization. The first High elf explorers arrived on the continent of Aels in 749 b.a.H., with fleets of ships bearing colonists who would arrive in the following years.

Eventually, the High elves would successfully plant and grow several nation sized colonies on the continents of Aels, Zarhuy, and Hieyoks. This would eventually ensure victory over the Hake empire that originally controlled most of large continent of Ushaenor. The spread of so many colonies throughout the world would give the High elf empire its name of "Whide Axis".

High Elf Kingdoms[]

Due to their territorial extension during the Late Age of elf hegemony, there were several nations and cultures of High elves -but the term of High elves was often disputed among them, considering each high elf nation considered the highest elves to be themselves; and the others, to be less civilized than themselves.

Among the Empire of Whide Axis, some (not meant to be a complete list) of the main kingdoms were:

M adhai harem warrior by shabazik-d5nf19b

A High elf harem warrior from M'Adhai, in southern Ushaenor. An example that not all High Elves (or "Light Elves" either, for that matter) were very light skinned

In Ushaenor[]

  • Aberhiel
  • Ahl
  • Alurad
  • Dahl'Haran, the city of the mages
  • Dal-Haron
  • Dreanleg
  • Eldig
  • Exemig
  • Felinsdor
  • Haelfinel
  • Huen
  • Imir
  • M'Adhai
  • Mahra
  • Obol
  • Pormer
  • Shevael

In Zarhuy[]

In Aels[]

Lost Kingdoms of Hieyoks[]

These are aside from the colonies of Hieyoks, which were numerous, but have little or no details known of the specific colonies. Many of these colonies were small for being the last to be established and the first to be extinguished by the great change of fortunes that hit the High elves.

The majority were ultimately doomed for one reason or another. In large part due to the Age of Calamities of seemingly natural disasters in the form of earth quakes and tsunamis of the First and Second Centuries a.a.H., and the following Age of Invasions of Orcs migrating world wide, and the coming of the new races of Kanovs and Humans. The surviving High elven colonies in Hieyoks would also be hit the hardest by the plague known as the Curse of the Doroz, which in some cases were also fatal to the colonies in itself.

New Elven Races Emerging from Fallen Kingdoms[]

Many of these nations fell during the Age of Invasions, and from the remnants of high elf lands, will surge groups like the sand elf(ves), wild elf(ves), blood elf(ves) and grey elf(ves), among others.

Examples of the Diverse High Elf Kingdoms[]


The Land of the Rainforest Crossroads

Between the High elf states of the Empire of Whide Axis, M'Adhai was an ancient Hake (Dark Elf) kingdom, in the rainforests and rivers of the center of Ushaenor, until the Elf wars that raged across the continent destroyed the ancient lands: However, the High Elf conqueror, founded a new dynasty, bringing High Elf settlers, and this new M’Adhai became part of the Venerable Empire of Whide Axis.

The M'Adhai female warriors were known as the M'Adhai Harem Warriors, formed the king's personal guard; princesses and noble-born women given by their parents to become wives of his Highness: Legally, they were all wives –thousands of them- , but the only wives who mattered were the seven queens: to the point that it was normal that the M'Adhai Harem warriors “divorced” from the king, leaving the guard and marrying with other elves, or even remaining in the Harem Brigade.

The royal guard "wives" regiment is composed of about 3.000 concubines, who are the core of the M'Adhai army --they mobilize normally about another 11.000 or 12.000 normal soldiers more as well, aside from militias, armed slaves and etc.


The City of the Wizards, Dal'Haran

The City of the wizards, located in the Northwestern shores of Ushaenor -called sometimes the Wizards of the Coast- is one of the several high elven states that formed the loose confederation that would be the High Elven Empire of Whide Axis.

The Port of Haran -Dahl'Haran, in the native andari high elven- was the High Elven state that was the most developed in the maná arts and magic, their schools and academies of magic being renowned all over the Whide Axis.

However, much of their vision of maná and magic was veiled by dogmatic views, that led some of the more extremist factions of the city-state to outlaw and prosecute scientists and people who studied in other areas outside of the magical field, calling such studies heresy.

Because of this, the northwestern kingdoms of the Whide axis suffered several rebellions, between the maná wielding elite and the elves unable of manipulate magic.
