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SHIK - Albertonian

Albertonian Artificial human shik produced by Kasparov CIA

An Albertonian is a type of artificial human.

The Albertonian, as the Dreselandeses artificial humans, were created by the megacorporation GENTEK for the Empire of Stornkold of Dres II.

However, originally, the Albertonian weren't artificial humans, but a punishment to criminals biological humans, who were exposed to a rather unethical series of experiments and modifications to include radiological, chemical, technological, and biological:
The prisioners lost most of their humanity, inteligence and personality, reduced to brutalized wild animals filled only with violence and anger.  Such rage was kept in check by nanotech chips planted into their cortex.

They become mindless cannon fodder, shock infantry of penal squadrons without rehabilitation, to fight until their final deaths.  It was a punishment worse than death.  The Albertonians were considered to be below human by the racial and cast system of Stornkold:

It was known that during the reign of Dres II, such punishment was expanded to those convicted of misdemeanors and minor crimes, many of those not even proved completely guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  The Albertonian numbers swelled but with that case extremely high mortality rates, entire fields littered with dead women who were subjected to war but innocent in crime.

Once the iron-fisted reign of Dres II ended, and Dres III began his rule in Stornkold, due the heavy critiques to the Albertonian, it was reduced the use of this penalty to criminals who where considered worse than receiving Capital Punishment.  However, the military doctrine of Stornkold found that these expendable shock forces were vital to their military strategies, and they keep requesting for albertonian troopers.

It was only then that the Artificial Human Albertonian entered in production: Produced and matured like any other Artificial human, the Albertonian however where changed not genetically, but due chemicals, nanobots, microships and sometimes the use of artificial limbs to become Shock Troopers of Stornkold.  And any artificial human suspected of rebelling could become an Albertonian as punishment, which was one of the worse fears of the artificial humans, be they Jako, Regult, or Dreslandesa.

As time passed, the only battle-protected artificial humans were considered in the end to be too simple, as outside of a battlefield they where useless, so slowly the newer generations of Albertonian were produced to retain more of their humanity, so they can be multipurpose and work in other simple areas were only strenght is needed when not engaged in battle.  Such necessity created Albertonians designed to be laborers and miners when they were not needed for warfare.

Later on, the term Albertonian has become a common name to any Artificial human created with the main purpose of being a soldier, enhanced chemically and by mechanic (nanobots and artificial limbs, microships) media for that role.  During the Artificial Human uprisings, most of the heavily conditionated and manipulated Albertonians of the Megacorporations remained loyal to their corporative masters, being the main tool to supress the clone revolts.  This would lead to many awful conflicts between Albertonians and rebel clones, sister killing sister in brutal irony.  After the Rebellion of the Clones, the Albertonian was still in heavy demand from corporations and even free republics as their combat prowess and durability proved very useful especially as corporations began to fight one another.  Delmen, AZPHAR, and many other cloned female armies fear the sight of the heavy troopers walking towards them with merciless firepower.

The characteristics of an Albertonian Artificial Human[]

Created for war, normally the Albertonian are done to resist much more punishment that any normal human, or other artificial human, can sustain: be ordiniance, munition, explosives, hostile enviroments, extreme cold or heath, poisons, etc; being as strong as a bull, with bones hard as metal -if they hadn't actually titanium metal bones partially, changed during the creation of an Albertonian.  Several varieties exist depending on the creator and the need, from the leaner and sleeker Grap.STALKER pattern Albertonian to the tank-like "Colossus" variant Albertonian of Kasparov CIA.

If a limb is lost or damaged in combat or an accident, is normal to reeplace them with artificial limbs, often with hidden weapons attached.

Meanwhile, the Albertonian can be classified as pretty dumb, as the only inteligence they have is practical, and dedicated to tactical combat -not strategy-. Is normal for them to have microchips in their brains, that limitate or conditionate their behavior -to be calm or enraged-, and where they receive orders from their field commanders normally dreselandeses clones away from the battlefield-

The Albertonian genetically made Albertonian -not chemically done- are seen to be less combative, but are more inteligent and independent, as are designed to be more multipurpose and less combat oriented.

Notable Albertonians[]

  • Henrika CLS-3232 - A Colossus variant of Kasparov CIA Albertonians, during a battle on territory of the Sultanate of Awess, her platoon was killed by the mercenary group Militen Aquila Aurea and she was all alone, surrendering to Devika Rai.  Originally a prisoner, she then joined the mercenary group and has become the heavy gunner for Squad Ares.  She is very content with her new family and new life, no longer shackled by Kasparov and finding a relationship with the anti-tank gunner Mokuwaei "Mo" Alihi.

